Sunday, September 05, 2010

Centos5-i386 -- LVM Root on a Kickstart?

I've gotta be doing something wrong.  But it looks good from so close to the problem.  Here's a snippet of the kickstart I'm using:

part pv.01  --size 32 --grow --asprimary
volgroup vg01 pv.01
logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=root --vgname=vg01 --size 10240
When it all comes down, though, it's a little screwed.  There's a pic.  The thing is, it's not really an LVM issue, since the space is there and the PV's been created.

A little investigation, though, shows the device /dev/vg01/root hasn't been created.  Simple fix?
lvm vgchange -a y
Then the devices are up.  It's too easy.  Bad news?  Can't happen in a kickstart.  The install pattern, as they say, is full, and it's missing the VG startup.

So where from here?

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