Monday, April 30, 2012

Mac OS/X Password Recovery

So there we were, trying to set up a pic synch config for the photos, and - wouldn't you know it? - we couldn't remember the admin password on the mactop.

So we poke around the net for a while, and found this reference.  And it was easy:

  1. Boot into single (hold command-S) and kill the /var/db/.applesetupdone .
    • fsck -fy
    • mount -uw /
    • rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
    • reboot
  2. Create a New User Account upon System Boot, and let it go into the desktop
  3. Reset the Lost Password via System Preferences
It's that easy.  It's awesome, and doesn't need the CD.  What a great hack!

And we got the photo thing set up too.  Double-score!

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