Monday, July 19, 2010

vLANs on Linux (physical) Hosts

vLANs on VMware virtual linux guests is easy.  Set it and you're done, right?

On physical hosts, though, it can be a bit more tricky.  It seems the format's changed a bit, too, between RHEL4 and RHEL5 -- for the better!

By example, though, to add vLan 101 to your eth2, it's like this:
(emacs /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2.101)VLAN=yes

 Yeah, it's that easy.  The scripts extract the device name (eth2) and vLan (101) from the DEVICE tag, if it sees the VLAN=yes setting.  When you're done:
ifup eth2.101
Your machine should (wait an agonizing 2 seconds and) display something like this:
Added VLAN with VID == 101 to IF -:eth2:-
And you know you're done.  You can use all the tools you would expect, just like with regular devices and/or ipaliased devices:

ifconfig eth2.101
tshark -i eth2.101 host
ping -I eth2.101 sniffme
One bit of caution, though:  vLANs are privacy; not security.  What this means is that you should never have vLANs carrying data where anything-but-completely trustable machines can hear it, even if it's in a vLAN.  It's trivial to peel the leading vLAN tag off a packet and read it from the untagged network (eg eth2).

Get your stuff onto a managed switch!  Segregate your traffic!  If you aren't 100% sure, the best security between two networks is an air gap.

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